Accountability Report 2024

Chapter 10:

Part of the UC mission

Along with teaching and research, UC contributes to the well-being of the state’s population and economic growth through its public service efforts. UC’s impact goes well beyond its on-campus activities. UC has a significant presence in nearly every community throughout California.

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) and the UC Natural Reserve System (NRS) support sustainable agriculture, environmental stewardship, healthy families, and education. (As a department of the Research and Innovation division, NRS activities are discussed in chapter 9.) Every UC campus and UCOP’s Division of Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs (GUEA) administer hundreds of thousands of community-based programs across a range of foci, from community and social services to teacher professional development and K–12 student services.

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources 

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) implements the land-grant mission for the University, which emphasizes the development and dissemination of practical information to address critical agricultural, environmental, and societal issues. The land-grant system represents a three-way partnership with federal, state and county governments. More information about UC’s land-grant arm.

UC ANR statewide network and impact

UC ANR operates a statewide network of researchers and educators which includes the multi-campus Agricultural Experiment Station and statewide Cooperative Extension. There are approximately 520 Agricultural Experiment Station researchers located on five campuses: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Merced, UC Riverside, and UC Santa Cruz. There are around 115 Cooperative Extension Specialists on nine UC campuses, Research and Extension Centers (RECs), and county offices, and 180 Cooperative Extension Advisors conducting research, outreach, and education in all 58 California counties. Nine statewide RECs provide education for the public and places for researchers to conduct field experiments. UC ANR is often the face of the University to Californians with no other connection to UC.

UC ANR people and programs connect and deliver resources from the entire UC system, forming integrated teams to work on complex issues and develop innovative, multidisciplinary, science-based solutions to improve the lives of all Californians. UC ANR benefits communities across the state, contributing to President Drake’s priorities for UC. Several impact highlights follow. For more information on its breadth of impact see the 2023 UC ANR Annual Report.

Leading on climate change

  • The Climate Smart Agriculture Program, a partnership with the California Department of Food and Agriculture, assists farmers and ranchers with grant application assistance, project implementation support, and education on climate-smart agriculture adoption through workshops and field days. The program focuses on working with underserved producers and offers information in English, Spanish, Mandarin, Hmong, Cantonese, Punjabi, and lu Mien. Since 2019 almost $39M has been awarded to over 1,785 farmers and ranchers in 33 counties to implement science-based climate-smart practices that support climate change mitigation by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sequestering carbon and promote climate change adaptation by increasing on-farm resilience.
  • The statewide Environmental Stewards Program conducts activities and training to engage the public in the study and stewardship of California’s natural communities. The program increases knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy related to the state’s natural history and environmental issues; increases public participation and civic engagement in environmental education; and enhances citizen science, climate adaptation, and planning toward environmental and climate justice. The program co-develops, delivers, and evaluates instructor trainings to partner organizations, who then extend the Environmental Stewards and Climate Stewards certification courses. In the first three years of the Climate Stewards program, 623 participants potentially reduced carbon emissions by 1,782 tons of CO2.

Expanding opportunity and excellence

  • The statewide 4-H Youth Development Program engages youth ages 5–19 to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development. In 2023, there were approximately 57,700 California youth enrolled. In a recent study on the long-term impacts of participation, 84 percent of the 695 UC 4-H alumni respondents reported the program helped them succeed in their careers later in life. Findings also show the program helped foster a sense of responsibility that lasted into adulthood. UC 4-H alumni reported volunteering 130 hours annually, compared to the general population’s 57 hours annually, and 65 percent of 4-H alumni always vote, compared to 57 percent of the general population.

Strengthening an inclusive, respectful and safe community

  • UC ANR teaches its academics, staff, and volunteers cultural competency skills to better engage diverse audiences in research and education. For example, at the 2023 UC ANR Statewide Conference a panel shared best practices for engaging Tribes and Tribal communities with over 100 participants. After attending the session, 44 participants responded to the evaluation survey, and 73% said they had greater confidence in reaching out to Tribes and 68% said they learned something.
  • UC ANR extends research to decision-makers to help make the agricultural sector more inclusive. Two UC ANR academics served on the Sustainable Pest Management workgroup for the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and represented the needs of underserved farmers and organic growers, diversified and small-scale. As a result of their participation in the workgroup, DPR included the interests of farmers who have historically received less support from state and federal agricultural agencies in a new guiding document, “Accelerating Sustainable Pest Management: A Roadmap for California.” Their inclusion in the roadmap increases the resiliency and success of these farmers in the future.

Promoting health in California’s vulnerable communities

  • The California Expanded Food and Nutrition Program (EFNEP) delivers research-based nutrition education to limited-resource families with young children to improve healthy lifestyle choices. In 2023, EFNEP graduates statewide averaged a $63.95 savings in their monthly grocery budget, which is $767 in savings a year per family. After completing EFNEP classes, the number of participants reporting they were unable to afford balanced meals fell from 89% to 37%.
  • There is an ongoing need to increase participation in the CalFresh (SNAP) benefits program and connect families to additional resources. UC ANR academics provide support to improve usage of CalFresh and Market Match programs at farmers markets. For example, redemption at farmers markets increased in San Luis Obispo by 112% since 2021 and in Marin County by 99% between 2020 and 2022, which improves food security by increasing access to healthy local food.

Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs programs

Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs (GUEA) provides leadership and support for efforts that advance UC equity and inclusion, that promote access to and successful completion of baccalaureate and graduate degrees, and that help to provide an exemplary student academic experience. GUEA’s Outreach and Educational Partnerships supports and helps UC sustain partnerships with K–20 public education segments, community-based organizations, and the business sector. These collaborations advance college preparation, access, and degree-completion for students from underserved backgrounds.

Educational partnerships

The University of California’s Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships (SAPEP) programs help prepare California students for higher education (10.2.1). SAPEP programs served nearly 130,816 K–12 students at 1,511 public schools, and 16,621 community college students at 109 community colleges in 2020–21, the most recent year available.


The goal is to promote achievement by supporting academic preparation and college readiness. Programs include the Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP), which focuses on “a–g” course completion (a prerequisite for admission to UC and CSU); K20 Regional Intersegmental Alliances (aka P20), creating ties between campuses, schools, local communities, and business organizations; The Puente Project, focusing on college-preparatory English skill development; Transfer Prep, focusing on community college transfer support; and Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA), focusing on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skills development. he Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program integrates UC’s core missions of teaching and public service by focusing on the academic preparation of students at K–12 schools, community colleges, and four-year universities. Through its three components — the MESA College Prep Program (formerly known as MESA Schools Program or MSP), the MESA Community College Program (MCCP), and the MESA University Program (formerly known as MESA Engineering Program or MEP) — MESA serves more than 18,240 California students annually. (During the Covid pandemic, MESA saw a drop of around 6,000 students, primarily in the College Prep program, where middle school and high school students were most affected. Numbers began steadily rebounding as students returned to school, but have not yet reached pre-pandemic levels).

MESA College Prep centers are housed in 18 locations and serve more than 9,456 students at about 371 K–12 schools. Centers offer classes that reinforce math and science content standards. MESA activities include workshops aimed at strengthening study skills, monitoring progress, and encouraging students to pursue degrees in STEM.

The MESA Community College Program (MCCP) manages 85 centers at community colleges, serving 3,481 students annually. These centers provide academic excellence workshops, orientation courses, academic advising, and counseling activities to help community college students transfer to a four-year university in a timely manner.

The MESA University Program operates 19 centers located in public (UC and CSU) and private universities across the state. Serving 5,303 students annually, these centers assist college students in attaining four-year degrees in engineering and computer science by providing tutoring and academic skills workshops. In partnership with local industry leaders, MESA University Program centers also provide career and professional development opportunities for students.

UC also plays an important role in preparing California’s teacher workforce. UC’s Teacher Education Programs prepare teacher candidates to engage students in rigorous, relevant, and inquiry-based educational experiences. Located at eight UC campuses, Teacher Education Programs recruit, prepare, and support educators who are committed to academic excellence, equity, and integrity, and to cultivating the highest levels of achievement and opportunity for all students.

UC also provides ongoing support to educators already in the workforce through professional development programs. For example, the California Subject Matter Project (CSMP) is a network of nine discipline-based statewide projects, providing more than 700 professional development events for educators at more than 2,500 schools each year. CSMP professional learning opportunities are aligned with state-adopted standards and are collaboratively designed by K–12 and university educators to enhance learning for all students (10.2.1).

Social and economic impact

Including the programs of ANR and UC’s educational partnerships mentioned above, the University of California administers community-based programs at more than 7,000 sites across the state. The data on these sites is still being submitted into a new database and the number is expected to exceed 10,000. UC in California; Impact beyond campus borders, displays these programs on an interactive website. Because the well-being of every California citizen and community is important, all campuses sponsor and manage programs far from their campus locations (10.3.1).

Critical to the success of the University is a shared understanding with the California Legislature and California public of the enormous benefit UC provides to the state; its social and economic impact can be demonstrated with the UC in California maps (10.3.2).

More than 1.2 million UC alumni are known to live and work in California (10.3.3). They are leaders, volunteers, and contributors to the vitality of the state’s communities, businesses, and culture. UC’s operations also add significantly to the state’s economy. With more than 270,000 employees, UC is California’s third-largest employer (10.3.4). True to its land-grant mission, the UC system touches many aspects of life in California. The UC public service mission has evolved in tandem with the changing needs of our state and local communities, and has developed programs and partnerships that improve the lives of all Californians.

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources brings the power of UC research and education to local communities across California through 2,268 community-based program locations.

10.1.1 UC Agriculture and Natural Resources program locations


UC in California: Impact beyond campus borders | UC ANR community-based programs 

Map of UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs

source: UC ANR

UC’s land-grant arm, Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR), operates several of California’s agriculture and nutrition awareness and education programs across the state, including Cooperative Extension, Research and Extension Centers, the California 4-H Youth Development Program, the UC Master Gardener Program, the UC California Naturalist program, the UC Master Food Preservers program, the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Program, and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program.

UC’s Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships (SAPEP) helped prepare 162,708 California students for college and university in 2020.

10.2.1 Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs programs

Information Center banner

Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships (SAPEP) outcomes dashboard

More information on SAPEP programs and outcomes: UC’s K–12 outreach programs dashboard



UC’s Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships (SAPEP) portfolio comprises thirteen educational programs.

SAPEP programs were created to reduce disparities in college access and preparation levels among public school students, thereby expanding the following groups: California high school students who matriculate to two- and four-year postsecondary institutions; California community college students who transfer to four-year postsecondary institutions; and undergraduate students who pursue graduate and professional degrees.

Students who participate in SAPEP programs are more likely to complete college preparatory (“a–g”) courses and attend California public two- and four-year colleges and universities.

SAPEP Programs include:

ArtsBridge, Articulation, ASSIST, Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP), Graduate and Professional School Programs (GPSP), K–20 Regional Intersegmental Alliances (aka P–20), MESA, Puente Project, Student-Initiated Programs (SIP), Transfer Prep, University-Community Links (UC Links), University-Community Engagement (UCE), and UC Scout.

UC is involved in communities across California through a wide range of local-level service programs at more than 7,000 locations.


source: UC campuses and UC ANR

The University of California administers community-based programs at more than 7,000 sites across California as counted in the mid-point of data collection using a new database system; many hundreds more program sites are yet to be added. All ten campuses and University of California Health, plus UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR), the Natural Reserve System (NRS), and systemwide Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs (GUEA) contribute to the well-being of California society and California’s economic stability and growth. Explore the UC in California maps.

Note:A new database for UC in California is still gathering data from UC campuse and UC ANR. The actual number of community-based programs in California is higher than what is currently displayed.

Through personalized maps, UC displays to California legislators the people, funding, and outcomes benefiting from the University in their local communities.

10.3.2 UC in California: Impact beyond campus borders, Advocacy tools


UC in California maps website


  source: UC corporate systems (summary statistic data), UC campuses and UC ANR, (comunity-based program data)

UC’s State Governmental Relations (SGR) serves to advance understanding and support for UC’s tripartite mission of teaching, research, and public service. As UC’s principal representative to state elected officials and state agencies in Sacramento, SGR represents the University’s positions on legislative, budgetary, and policy matters.

The UC in California map catalog contains a two-page map of every California legislative district (Assembly, State Senate, US Congressional, US Senate), California county, and campus. These maps are used by SGR in their advocacy efforts.

On the second side of these maps is a summary statistics table for the selected district that is focused on the student pipeline, listing number of applications, admits, and enrollees, and including some demographic information as well as a comprehensive table of financial aid packages. The table also includes employee counts, aggregated payroll, and employee job type, plus counts of alumni, retirees, UC-spawned startup companies, and tech licenses. All in the service of demonstrating UC’s social and economic impact in California.

Discover regional impact by legislative district, county or region on the UC in California maps.

Of UC’s more than two million living alumni, many reside within California.

10.3.3 Location and industry of employment of UC alumni since 2000, in California, Fall 2015

UC programs for community and social services, cultural resources and arts, university extension, business and economic development, and public policy

source: UC campuses, EDD; Other includes industries such as retail & wholesale,
manufacturing, transportation, construction, legal services, and others.

Campus alumni offices maintain recent residential address information for more than 85 percent of those alumni. These maps display the distribution across California of UC graduates in each of eight different industries, as reported by California Employment Development Department (EDD).

The industry with the largest employment of young UC graduates is health care, employing 11.3 percent of these alumni, followed by higher education at 10.5 percent, and Internet & computer systems at 6.5 percent. The entertainment & media industry employs 3.4 percent of these UC alum.

UC is one of California’s largest employers, with 266,197 employees and 65,974 retirees residing within the state.

10.3.4 California resident faculty, academics, and staff employees, 2024

Faculty, academics, and staff employees; retirees, in California, 2021

source: UC Information Center data warehouse

The University of California employs more than 270,000 faculty, academics, and staff, of which 266,197, or 97 percent, reside in California, making it the state’s third-largest employer. With employees residing throughout the state, UC’s economic impact goes well beyond its ten campus locations. Members of its workforce purchase goods and contribute to local economies across the state.

In addition to the current employees shown on the map, 65,974 of UC’s more than 85,000 retirees reside in California, and their UC pension benefits also contribute to the communities in which they reside.